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Auxiliary / Ministry

Armor Bearers -

The Armor Bearers’ responsibility is to assist the pastor by being respectful and supportive. They make the advancement of the leader the most important goal. 


Christian Academy -

The mission of the Sunday School Ministry is to provide the fundamental basics of Christianity to our children, youth, adult members and visitors. We will use the explanation of the Word of God as it applies to our everyday lives through hands-on and interactive teaching. Sunday School meets each Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. Classes are offered for all ages.


Comforting Ministry -

To respond to the needs of those in our congregation that experiences the loss of a loved one. This ministry delivers condolences and presents messages of sympathy at funerals as required. 


Culinary Ministry - 

To support the various other ministries throughout the church by displaying a hunger for God and a craving to serve people. We strive to feed the Kingdom by providing excellent quality food and service. Our goal is for everyone (staff, members and guests) to experience Christian fellowship while enjoying a great meal.


Greeter Ministry -

Members of the Greeter Ministry are present at each entrance of the church and inside the sanctuary to greet members and visitors alike, and making them feel welcome.


Healthcare Ministry -

The medical professionals of our church volunteer and assist members and the community on health awareness. Screenings and health fairs are held for church members as well as education on health related issues.


Marriage Ministry -

Purpose is to inspire, encourage, and equip those who are married and those who are preparing for marriage, by providing practical, Biblical resources, teaching and sharing opportunities and revealing the heart of Christ within marriage.


Men of Honor Ministry -

The Men of Honor provide a fellowship for the men, encourage them to become active in the ministry and strive to be role models for the young men of the church and the community.


Missions Ministry -

Dedicated to ministering to both members and non-members of the church. Provides spiritual nurturing and meals where needed.


Mother’s Ministry -

The Mothers Ministry provides guidance, counsel and advice to the young women within the church. They also assist the Deacons with the preparation of communion and baptism.


Music Ministry -

The choirs within the music ministry provide sacred Christian music during worship services, funerals and other events.


New Membership -

New Membership provides orientation and training regarding the beliefs and practices of New Salem Missionary Baptist Church.


Prayer Band Ministry -

The Prayer Band visits private homes, nursing homes, and hospitals to pray for and encourage those that are ill.


Singles Ministry -

The Singles Ministry educates, motivates, and stimulates today's single body of believers to further know the Lord Jesus Christ.


Tri-Guild Ministry-

The Tri-Guild Ministry is designed to create a bond between the wives of deacons, trustees, and ministers. Members of this ministry receive training regarding the role of being a deacon's, trustee's, or minister's wife.


Usher Ministry -

The Usher Ministry meets, greets, and seats our members and guest as they enter the sanctuary. Their objective is to ensure that each person who enters God's house feels peace, joy and happiness.


Willing Workers -

The Willing Workers are committed people that support the ministry through volunteer service. Members of this ministry work diligently to assist those in need within the community and to help spread the Gospel message worldwide. 


Women’s Ministry -

The Women’s Ministry provides a fellowship for Christian women with emphasis on increasing spiritual growth. 


Youth Ministry -

The Youth Ministry is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of our youth. Below are the areas specifically geared to our youth and children.


• Angel Choir/Celestial Voices –
• Children’s Church –
• Educational Enrichment Committee –
• Youth Ushers
• Steppers of Praise –
• Mime Team –
• Praise Dancers –
• Save Our Sons –
• Young Female Christian Teens- 

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